Dec 15, 2005

Follow the Yellow--Red--Brick Road #3

Follow the Yellow--Red--Brick Road #3

Canadians' Taxes, Globalization and Other Agendas

I hope it will become clearer as you read that Canadians' taxes are being funnelled to use in support of Paul Martin's globalization agenda...and other agendas.

In my opinion, there is the insidious hand of Big Government backed by UN activism in Canada: for example:

* to funnel money to indoctrinate students at university (See FHTR Dec. 6, 05, "Media Hatchet Job in the Maritimes ... Global TV 'News' " -- or a shorter post on it today, the news that started this quest to learn more about political influence in academe."

* to institute child care under the guise of helping parents--child care that excludes parents' desires and especially the stay-at-home parents' wishes; it does not allow them to spend their money on the care they wish, but which will afford Big Government even more avenues to promote right-thought

This matters to Canadians when, Paul Martin & Team want to use taxpayer money to fund institutional daycares (think control--by regulation of the daycare centers, for example, and which will entail another massive bureaucracy ) and, incidentally, the pre-school children may be properly schooled in the proper attitudes / correct thought / right thought from their earliest years -- something their parents might not be adequately trained in. Parents have just done daycare since Adam and Eve--Is that comment too Christian? Would government improve upon parental care? What comes with the need to fund institutional daycare, but not to fund non-institutional daycare? I think it is control over the attitudes and how children think--the control that is insidious because seemingly so benign, so desirous of helping it seems, that hard questions won't be asked. This then moves on--has already--to the schools and then to post-secondary institutions. Much that should be, will not be discussed. Certain topics will be outside the realm of what 'nice' Canadians think, by virtue of their training from earliest childhood.

* to initiate projects which will funnel money to academics which may or may not be a wise use of Canadians' tax dollars if those dollars are intended to help natives, for example, though they might usefully be part of a larger package of attacks upon dysfunction in many areas, from housing to governance to the drug addicted children (about which, more below).

* to enlist well-meaning people, but particularly the UN, in his plans -- The money allotted--and this is only the beginning of it--will have the imprimatur of the UN, based on its stated interest in the preservation of Heritage Languages. This allows Big Government to expand across Canada and in various departments, such as education--normally a provincial concern but with the natives, there is federal input--as well as the Languages Commissioners' Department.

* to court the good will of natives themselves and that has implications much beyond education -- in areas such as ownership of resources, governance, who represent the natives involved, and more

What is my point? I see more social engineering, more control, more long-laid plans coming to fruition. I have noted more expansion of government into all areas of life. Is what follows a genuine desire to change the lives of natives or is it something more?

Paul Martin needs the good will of the natives in the North; in my view, he must cultivate the people necessary to carry out even further long-laid plans.

Martin's usurping of a sitting Prime Minister revealed him to be a plotter and planner, par excellence. In my opinion, he is using the UN and it is using him.