Dec 15, 2005

Follow the Yellow--Red--Brick Road #2

Note: What follows is lengthy but I believe it has more impact now that some time has passed and an election is in the offing. It is time to consider this government's priorities. The place to start is with the Budget. Anything in green is important or has implications while red is used to draw attention to others. I have commented liberally throughout, usually coloured blue, but not always.

I believe that the first link developed a problem, too, so maybe people did not get the file nor the full impact of the PM & Team's plans. NJC

The Budget 2005: Chapter 6 -- "Meeting our Global Responsibilities" -- the chapter with security information -- Note what is emphasized in chapter 6 -- Budget 2005, Chapter 6: Meeting our Global Responsibilities - the chapter with security information


This chapter includes several aspects before it gets to what we usually think of as protecting Canadians' security-- RCMP and CSIS -- "eye-catching blocks. Note what is highlighted" -- much more emphasis on the "global" than on the "national" and this chapter seems heavily weighted in emphasis toward trade and business.

deployment of officers to overseas ports, enhance Canada’s competitiveness, contribute to a more equitable, sustainable, and democratic world, and help protect Canadians, renew the Public Diplomacy Program, an important instrument to gain greater influence for Canada internationally


contribute to a more equitable, sustainable, and democratic world [Meanwhile, the 'democratic deficit' has not exactly been fixed in government-controlled Canada, aided by the helpful, enabling media ]

Setting a New Course for Canada’s International Policy

Global citizenship

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

New Resources for International Assistance

Debt Relief [ I just listened (AM Dec.13, 05) to two female CBC presenters discussing (apoplectic over ) Stephen Harper's plans to spend money on the military, DART, defence and I thought of this budget and PM & Team's emphasis on spending money abroad . . . perhaps in Africa? A much better use of OPM? ]

Canada’s Commitment to Africa [CIDA?]

health and economic development [Read more on the UN influence in Canada -- on this website -- some below, some posted Dec. 6, 05. ]

$300 million in additional funding

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ($140 million), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) ($160 million). [Check FHTR, Dec. 11, 05: "Was Maurice Strong at the Climate Conference? Questions: Trent & International Consortium on Anti-Virals (ICAV), Emergency Preparedness & Navy"]

$42 million in funding to support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) [ Is there any connection between this concern for health and the Africa concerns? See "Pulp MIll Workers Urged to Build Arts Industry" & UNB: World Bank, Industry, Educ. Ambassadorial Reps "Working with Africa Workshop" Is there any connection between GPEI and our Glorious Leader's connection to Medisys? (Stephen Taylor, Toronto Tory, MKBraaten and others.) See an article on this website.

Also note how the UN influences the Atlantic Human Rights Institute, well-meaning people certainly, but I still think manipulated to an extent by government and UN-Speak. Read on. ]

Additional Funds for Peace and Security -- [Check the emphasis in this section.]

Canada Corps will engage Canadians in helping to improve governance in fragile or failed states [Where? China? Africa? ]

Nurturing a Prosperous Private Sector in Developing Countries

[. . . ] Prime Minister Paul Martin and former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo

"Unleashing Entrepreneurship."
-- [Who is going to unleash it and where? Who are part of this?]

The Martin-Zedillo report

Related: FHTR Mar. 6, 05 - Mar. 12, 05: Compare: "Pulp MIll Workers Urged to Build Arts Industry" & UNB: World Bank, Industry, Educ. Ambassadorial Reps "Working with Africa Workshop" -- or here

the approaches that will best help African entrepreneurs -- [Check a day long workshop from FHTR week of Mar. 3, 05 in which I noted the difference between the power gathered to discuss African needs and the paucity of the help afforded one group of Canadian unfortunates, the pulp mill workers out of work because of the closing of the mill at Nackawic, NB]

Compare: "Pulp MIll Workers Urged to Build Arts Industry" & UNB: World Bank, Industry, Educ. Ambassadorial Reps "Working with Africa Workshop" -- ACOA, CIDA and a few other acronyms, ambassadors and powerful, connected individuals -- e.g. people with academic credentials -- or here

There is another section possibly of interest: New Illuminati, Cdn. Aid to China, China textiles, Bud Talkinghorn: Dear Lou Dobbs -- [The Multiculturalism Hucksters. The Rights Advocates. The Equality-for-All Gang.]

the Canada Investment Fund for Africa (CIFA)

$200 million in private investment into Africa. -- [If it is 'private', why is this mentioned in the budget? Are Canadian taxpayers paying or are private individuals or businesses?]

An initial $100 million allocation

provide risk capital for investment in Africa.

The Forum of Federations -- [What is this? What is its mandate? -- Is this related to the information in a post "Media Hatchet Job in the Maritimes", Dec. 6, 05 which ties in the UN and its influence in Canada? Search: ECOSOC and Summits just below (a few items omitted here) ]


World Trade Organization (WTO)
Topic 1: Role of the L20 in Trade Negotiations
Topic 2: Review of the Doha Development Agenda
Topic 1: Climate Change
Topic 2: Biodiversity and GMO's [What are GMO's? ]
United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Futuristic Committee
2050: World food supply and production capacity have drastically depleted
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Topic 1: Building an Intersectional Model
Topic 2: HIV/AIDS, Security, and Humanitarian Response

$690 million in new investments

enhance the Government’s capacity in intelligence gathering -- [ Would that connect with UN control of the Internet? Do you suppose our Glorilous Leader is after the terrorists . . . or is it Canadians who catch his Blunderbuss & Bafflegab in the details? You? ]

$1 billion [. . . .] in the areas of emergency planning and

purchase antivirals, a further $34 million [Search: Was Maurice Strong at the Climate Conference? Questions: Trent & International Consortium on Anti-Virals (ICAV), Emergency Preparedness & Navy ]

Canada intends to seek the presidency of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF),

participate in other regional bodies such as the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering and the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force. [ IMHO, Ironies abound.]

intricate networks of financial transactions. . . . FINTRAC

Integrated Proceeds of Crime (POC) . . . RCMP . . . Department of Justice Canada legal counsel

over five years

Container Security Initiative (CSI),

work with the United States and Mexico to increase the security of critical transportation and communications networks [Think about that and whether Mexico has been able to stem the drug dealers on the border with and crossing into the US. Would Mexico make our best partner for security? ]

contribute to a more equitable, sustainable, and democratic world . . . Public Diplomacy Program

Enhancing Our Relationships With Overseas Markets

support new international science and technology (S&T) initiatives . . . India and China. . . . promote collaborative research between Canadian and foreign scientists and technologists . . . the use of cleaner and more efficient forms of energy . . . helping brand Canadian environmental technology abroad.

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada -- [. . . .] an endowment of $50 million. . . to build networks between Canadian and Asian business leaders, and to unearth potential market opportunities that will benefit both regions. In order to improve and reflect modern governance and accountability practices, the Government will undertake to amend the 1984 Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada Act. [Check that "foundation" and the act by which it came into being.]

global peace operations

Canadian values as a guide

Table 6.2

Meeting Our Global Responsibilities

Helping the poorest of the world -- Total after five years: 3,436 (millions of dollars)

Canada’s commitment to Africa -- Total after five years: 342 (millions of dollars)

Ensuring the security of Canadians -- including: . . . . Total after five years: 433 (millions of dollars)

End of the excerpts from the budget 2005.

Canadians' security $$$ includes building bridges -- so just where does our security fit into Paul Martin & Team's plans for the globe and particularly, Asia and Africa?


Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada -- Business News and more -- aet up in 1984 -- "APF Canada receives financial support from Foreign Affairs Canada, the Canadian International Development Agency and Western Economic Diversification Canada."


Updates & China Conference-Vancouver Port, Maurice Strong-China Car Salesman, China's Bricklin & Strong, China-Copied Chevy Design?


There are several posts on FHTR Jan. 4, 2004 that are related to PM's global concerns, for example:

* Business: The China Connection, Canada China Business Council--Founding Sponsors, the Networks, Connections & Other Information
* Canada China Business Council (CCBC) -- its mandate
* Founding Sponsors -- [This list -- includes: Desmarais and Maurice Strong, Li Ka-Shing and many more]

Especially enlightening in relation to globalization:

Philosophical Underpinnings to the Budget 2005 -- "a new experiment in central planning"

Terence Corcoran: Groping in the dark with Ralph Goodale Financial Post, Feb. 26, 05


Oskar Lange (1904-65), former chairman of the Polish State Economic Council, sometime Stalinist and major contributor to the economics of socialism

[. . . . ] The appendix, known as Annex 4 to the budget . . . .

[. . . . ] "The government intends to go further, and will do so in successive budgets," setting the stage for a new experiment in central planning.

Andrew Coyne's Graph which accompanies his explanation of the budget splurge -- Andrew Coyne on the Budget: A splurge without precedent February 26, 2005


Martin's Past Choices Create Dire Consequences for Canadian Military says MP Jay Hill on the occasion of Paul Martin's sending Canadian troops to Haiti, March 5, 2004 -- Jay Hill: "The Prime Minister can't brag to Canadians that he slew the deficit yet not take responsibility for the impact of his $20-billion in cuts to Canada's military."

We've become a nation of enablers -- "Clearly, then, Canadian taxpayers are in an abusive relationship with the federal Liberals" -- brilliantly done! Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun, Feb. 27, 05


RCMP Underfunded, Undermanned -- Marijuana Grow Ops Spread -- Yet Government Won't Address the Problem -- Why? MP Chuck Cadman CPC on the Grow Ops

"Closing an RCMP lab? Government has been awash in cash -- sponsorship, gun registry, etc. Why don't they cut out the waste and corruption before closing an RCMP forensic lab? But this is just one problem. The RCMP are short a minimun 2500 officers . . . . "

Hansard: Mr. Chuck Cadman (Surrey North, CPC): Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise to debate Bill C-10, this government's feeble attempt to address the possession and production of marijuana in Canada.

Rest in peace, Chuck Cadman. We remember you and applaud your efforts.