Follow the Yellow--Red--Brick Road #1
The Universities: Centers for Intellectual Exploration of Ideas and Free Speech . . . or are they?
Must staff and students toe the line and voice correct speak -- politically correct thought, for example, on women's well as on other issues?...Is it possible that there are re-education camps coming? Before you dismiss that as mad, read on. They won't be necessary in Canada, given the pervasive control exercised by a combination of government and other organizations, all with the willing help of right-thinking individuals.
Robert Fulford: Harvard's "Summers performs the loyalty dance" -- "a self-criticism meeting" -- "a defeat for free speech and honest inquiry at the heart of American [as in Canadian] academic life."
Note: "a self-criticism meeting"
Mob rule at Harvard -- "a sad commentary on academic freedom in America" Barbara Kay, National Post, Mar. 2, 05 (or Mar. 1, 05)
[. . . . ]In a classic mobbing episode, the underlying "crime" is typically either trifling or non-existent. The accused at first assumes his friends and colleagues will rush to defend him. But if the critics are able to cast their case in politically fashionable terms -- the fight against racism or sexism, most commonly -- then personal loyalties go out the window. People rush to join the torch-bearing crowd, lest the accused's crimes tarnish them as well.
Mobbing was first articulated as a syndrome by Swedish psychologist Heinz Leymann in the early '80s. He defines it as "an impassioned, collective campaign by co-workers to exclude, punish and humiliate a targeted worker."
[. . . . ] a 12-point profile Professor Westhues has developed to identify true mobbing. Amongst the criteria:
[. . . . ] The only way to combat this pernicious virus is for theorists to shake off their fixation on gender and race equity, the ideological intoxicant that drives normally sober academics to punch-drunk witch hunts. Instead, universities should concentrate on serious efforts to make campuses open to a diversity of opinion.
Meanwhile, instead of undermining his own cause and that of academic freedom, it would help if Summers started acting like a free man, and not a Soviet-era thought criminal.
Follow the yellow--red brick road by going back a bit.
Global Governance and Paul Martin April 3, 2005
Peter C. Newman: "A blueprint for world government " -- Paul Martin's vision for the globe, National Post, Apr. 2, 05
[. . . . ] Now, as his government's definitive (and much postponed) foreign policy review is set to appear, I went back to my notes of those conversations. These were the idealistic ramblings of an ambitious politician who'd plugged himself into the seismic upheavals shaping the global economy. "We must develop a much stronger conscience in terms of our responsibility to others," he told me. "It's nonsensical, for example, that there is no international environmental organization of stature or a body than can deal with a tragic epidemic like AIDS."
What Martin had in mind was nothing less than spearheading the move toward a limited form of world government. His ambitions recognized few limits. He once confided to me that he wanted to duplicate internationally, especially in the underdeveloped world, what we do domestically, including a global system of equalization payments, free education up to the high school level, the formation of global instead of national health care and a universal banking system. [. . . . ]
A bureaucrat in every pot, via Jack's Newswatch
[. . . . ] Did you know that the cost of our bureaucracy has gone up 77% since 1996/97? [. . . . ]
Defeat of Bills C-31, C-32 -- "the opposition parties joined forces and defeated Bills C-31 and C-32, the bills to split the Foreign Affairs Department and the International Trade Department." -- "things came out of the" Foreign Affairs Committee that caused the critic and the leadership to say they didn't want to support the bills. "-- "there are problems" The Hill Times, Feb. 21, 2005, Kate Malloy and F. Abbas Rana
Dan MacTeague . . . . It's under the authority of the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act that allows the governor in council to transfer portions of the public service and ministerial powers and duties and functions from one part of the public service or from one minister to another.
[. . . . ] An order in council passed in December 2003 when Prime Minister Paul Martin (LaSalle-Émard, Qué.) took power [. . . . ]
Frost Hits the Rhubarb, March 2, 2005: Originally, that post had an entry "Canadians are Patsies -- & -- UN Global Control Crowd at it Again -- Anti-Canadianism & More -- Updated" . . . but it seems that this, like other things, disappeared into that great maw -- Gremlins. The following is still there:
* Note This! UN -- Women's Rights -- or Wrongs? -- Appropriate Moral Authority? -- & Petition [The link to this petition was . . . changed, rendered inoperable. Citizens making their views known: unacceptable? ]
The last item provides an example of how the global governance crowd through NGO's and the UN are able to bypass the electorate -- before busy citizens know what hit them. This item will be similar to what occurred with the Kyoto Accord, in that the global governance crowd are active again. Think about what Kyoto is [intended] to bring to Canadians, particularly to business; you will pay. Think also of who have something to gain from Kyoto.
Think then, of the women who have the time for international conferences on women's "rights" and women's "health issues"--euphemisms for abortion, etc--and read this. [. . . . ]
Look, for example at what has been the influence of one Canadian who was at the Montreal climate conference on the Kyoto Accord, the UN's Deputy to Kofi Annan, Louise Frechette. [ When a link disappears or is corrupted in a post, it causes me look again and further. ]
FHTR Mar. 2, 05 -- Header: "Cdn. Patsies: UNSCAM-Cdn. Connections, Dingwall-Via Rail-$133,000, Revoke Citizenship Terrorist Fateh Kamel, JC & Dictator, CRTC Head-PQ & PM Friend"
A search for Louise Frechetter brought this. [Note that I mistyped the name, adding an 'r' ]
Gremlins: link missing
http:// Fréchette is the first Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. A national of Canada, she assumed her duties on 2 March 1998, after having been appointed by Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
The post of Deputy Secretary-General was established by the General Assembly at the end of 1997 as part of the reform of the United Nations, to help manage Secretariat operations and to ensure coherence of activities and programmes. The purpose was also to elevate the Organization’s profile and leadership in the economic and social spheres. The Deputy Secretary-General assists the Secretary-General in the full range of his responsibilities and also may represent the United Nations at conferences and official functions. She chairs the Steering Committee on Reform and Management Policy and the Advisory Board of the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP), which handles relations with the foundation set up by Ted Turner in support of the United Nations.
Before joining the United Nations, Ms. Fréchette was the Deputy Minister of National Defence of Canada from 1995 to 1998. Prior to that, she was Associate Deputy Minister in her country’s Department of Finance. She served as Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations from 1992 to 1995. [. . . . ]
In January 1991 she became Assistant Deputy Minister for Economic Policy and Trade Competitiveness [in Canada]
Interestingly, the trilingual (Eng. Fr. Span.) Frechette has received an honourary doctorate from, among others, Kyung Hee University in Seoul.
An insider, along with Maurice Strong and others. Check her part in the UN oil-for-food scandal; she played a part which may or may not have been an acceptable use of her obvious talents. (posts on this site)
Link for the above: Frost Hits the Rhubarb week of Feb. 27 - Mar. 5, 05
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